Thursday, 3 December 2009

Sea Creatures Part 1

Started doing a series of Sea Creature postcard paintings. Here's the first of 20.

I'm using some 185gsm cold pressed paper and some basic portable water colours and a water brush.Here's the set-up.

- matt


  1. very nice! You're onto something here. I wonder how much working with pixels has impacted on your skills working with water and pigment? I think you are stronger with pigment, which is great because you can do more of it anywhere, and probably impress the kids more too. Perhaps you could create a big series of these, and with the aid of scanning, do us a massive fish tank? Kind of Animalia scale where we can get lost in a sea of characterisations...

  2. There's a lovely immediacy of working in pigment. It's good thinking practice as well. There's no CRTL-Z!

